Daily Walk With Jesus

I have been thinking a lot about my daily walk with Jesus and wanted to jot down a few things to share.  First off, I would be lying if I said I have not missed a day or two since this whole Covd-19 thing has been going on.  That said, I need to encourage you (and myself) to meet daily with God and be in the Word.  It is funny how we can seem to make time for everything, even in lockdown, but our quiet times can suffer.  If you are like me, there really is not an excuse, it is just plain laziness.  I am currently reading through the bible in a year using the Bible App from YouVersion.  This is the 3rd or 4th time I have done this in consecutive years, and I have to say that I am beginning to recall obscure scripture reference’s that I never would have before.  Why do I tell you this?  In picking out new songs, I was challenged by one of our elders to make sure the songs are theologically sound.  What this challenge made me do, is to begin to look at song lyrics in a whole new way.  I think before I really only looked at the sing ability and overall catchiness of the song.  I figured that if the people singing the song professed Christ, then that was good enough for me.  When I was challenged to look deeper, it made me really consider the lyrics in a different light.  Now I have my opinions, just like you do, about the churches that are represented by some of the popular artists of today.  I am really not going to get into that here, but what I will say is that people are people, we are all sinners and no one is perfect.  I look at individual songs and the lyrics of those individual songs and if they line up with the Bible.  Do I look at the individual to see if they are sinners? No because we are all sinners.  I look at it like this, if God can take me and use me, a sinner, then who am I to judge another’s heart who wrote an awesome song that lines up with scripture and is theologically sound in every way. Why would I throw that song away because the church that person sings for seems a bit sketchy?  Believe me, I know the arguments, I know each side and have researched the subject matter to death!  I’m not trying to cause controversy, what I am trying to do is choose songs for our congregation which will glorify God and lift His name.  Anyhow the point of this is to encourage you to have daily time with God and be in His word.  By doing this, it prepares you to be discriminant in what songs you choose for your worship sets.  I am not perfect and my walk with Christ is not perfect, but I am working on it and so should you.  If you want to discuss this further, leave a comment at the bottom .


Semper Gumby (Always Flexible)